Gambar Motor Honda Supra X 125 PGM-Fi Injeksi-Top Non Carburator

Modifikasi Motor Honda Supra X 125 PGM-Fi Injeksi-Top Non Carburator
Injection arrangement is activated in Honda Supra X125 PGM-FI in the class of D-Jetronic. Where the bulk of gasoline sprays is abstinent by the exhaustion in the assimilation manifold. Sensors that ascertain accepted exhaustion assorted complete burden (MAP). In this blazon of carpenter is not able with air assimilation basic or the baptize breeze meter.
Supra X 125 Basic Bang PGM-FI as a accomplished looks like the account below. When compared with the antecedent altercation (Principal Apparatus Motor injection) was not all the apparatus installed on Supra Bang PGM-FI X 125.
Completeness bang apparatus tailored needs of the motor itself. Sometimes the sensors or added apparatus are altered agreement or names accept agnate functions though.
1. Cyberbanking ascendancy systems
Components including cyberbanking ascendancy systems of all sensors which ascertain a action of the engine. Sensors anchored on Supra X125 PGM-FI, amid others: MAP sensor, IAT sensor, TP sensor, agent oil temperature (EOT) sensor, the coffer bend sensor (BAS) and the agitation beating generator.
2. Ammunition arrangement
Supra X125 Apparatus PGM-FI in allegation of a catchbasin of gas breeze through the aperture of injectors amid others: the gas catchbasin (fuel tank), ammunition clarify (fuel assimilation filters), gas stations (fuel pump), burden regulators, aback approach to the catchbasin of gas, activity benefactor of gasoline (fuel augment hose) and injector (injector).
3. Air consecration arrangement
The air is sucked into the butt through a few apparatus to be abstinent as the accepted bulk kevakumannya to be injected gasoline. In addition, through the apprehension basic of air condition.
Air consecration arrangement apparatus on the Supra X125 PGM-FI include: air filter, burke body, assimilation assorted and cylinder. In the burke anatomy is assorted complete burden (MAP) sensor, assimilation air temperature (IAT) sensor and the movement of the gas valve bend detected by the burke position (TP) sensor.
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→Modifikasi Motor Honda Supra X 125 PGM-Fi Injeksi-Top Non Carburator
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